
Thursday, March 28, 2013


The year 2004 was the very best show of bluebonnets we ever had. This area is only part of the show.

This is the same area today.  The bluebonnets went down hill from 2004 on and we decided to quit fighting. The last straw was the severe drought starting around 2009 and continuing until we had bluebonnets blooming when they were barely 3 inches tall.

So, 2009 started this garden project. We've come a long way................

another area 2004
spring 2011-severe drought year  

3 years ago I transplanted bluebonnets in this neighbor's yard. only 5 plants.

This beauty is growing in the "wrong" place.  I have to leave it there!

This large plant is touched by frost. The leaves are elongated and to me not a healthy plant. It came up in an "odd" area as well.
More of the neighbor's plants.

These are as well. They don't look spectacular, but they will bloom their hearts out.
I am going to publish this as is. It is now weeks later and things have CHANGED.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Introducing my new camera

My faithful Canon sure shot has given up.  I now have a 16 megapixel Nikon Coolpix.

These are "test" photos.  I am impressed with some. I am also very much aware that I have a lot to learn.  Who says "point and shoot" cameras are simple?

This day was perfect for basic testing as it was overcast and drizzly all day.

The rosemary is washed out.  Still have to learn to adapt to colors. (or something) A bit of work ahead.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cedar Waxwings

The waxwings are back.  They are a little late this year.  They have been returning to the same trees for weeks now.  I am not sure if they are not gleaning the Yaupon trees in the court yard because it is not cold enough. They seem to really work at cleaning off every berry in the middle of really nasty weather. I am curious to see how long they stay and if they need more berries.

These are taken with my new Nikon.
If you hover over the picture and see a hand you should be able to click on the picture and enlarge it.

Waxwings are not golden like this the sun was just right

The bare tree is where the birds are resting

The birds stayed perched here for 15 to 25 minutes

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A final farewell to my Canon camera

Well, the Canon camera finally gave up.  These are pictures I call Playing with the Sun.
I was out early on a November morning and caught these just as the sun was rising. 
No other comments just enjoy.

I'm going to miss this camera.  I took 2 to 3 thousand pictures with it.  Even had a repairman tell me he had never heard of a camera spending the night in a bucket of water (fell out of my pocket) and continue to take pictures. This one sure did!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Natures puzzle

Why some birds are not the song bird's friend

What is wrong with this picture?

The black bird is a baby cow bird the momma a sparrow
Before you think how sweet. The momma cowbird laid her egg in the sparrows nest and as the baby grew it shoved the sparrow babies out of the nest.

 I happened to catch this scene one morning and couldn't really tell what I was looking at until I did some editing and saw what was going on.  The cow bird and feral cats are decimating the song bird population.