
Monday, February 22, 2016

New post

There is a privacy about it which no other season gives you.... In spring, summer and fall people sort of have an open season on each other; only in the winter, in the country, can you have longer, quiet stretches when you can savor belonging to yourself. ~Ruth Stout

This winter has been quite mild here in North Texas.  We need moisture badly.  It misted yesterday and rained some last  night.  Morning temperature is 51°.

Things are happening.  Maybe it is really Spring or maybe a blip in nature's grand design.
It was 72° yesterday, overcast most of the day and little wind.

While out in the wreck of a garden, I was aware of "something"...  I have been scanning the taller bare branches of Cottonwood and Desert Willow.... 

The reason?  I had a sad demonstration that the Cedar Waxwings are a little early.  I found a waxwing dead on my patio.  No idea how it happened.  Birds fly into our windows at times when it is overcast and "bright".  

I knew this lovely creature was a scout for migrating waxwings and worried that maybe they would not return this year.

Thus the feeling of "something".  I scanned the higher branches and watched dozens of waxwings settle gracefully on them.  I did finally realize I needed my camera!

 Don't forget to
click on picture
for larger.

 It feels so good to have something to want to write about.  The garden area was wrecked and washed out last Spring.  I have pondered and strolled the gravel paths I created trying to decide how to make the areas that need to go viable for wildflowers.  

 Another "happening" is daffodils.  Last Spring, I planned to move and feed the bulbs to make the
show more attractive.
That didn't happen and not a lot of bulbs are with
The white multi flowered plants need food as they
have weak stems and not able to hold up the showy

There are a few year residentials that visit our feeders every year.  

Female Cardinal

White crowned sparrow and mystery bird
 I have only seen this sparrow
from a distance and never noticed
the definition of black cap.

Male house sparrow

Tufted Titmouse

Pine Siskin, Gold Finch
House Finch
Half the modern drugs could well be thrown out the window, except that the birds might eat them. ~Martin H. Fischer (1879–1962)

 A bird does not sing because it has an answer.  It sings because it has a song.  ~Chinese Proverb

My favorite
Birds of a feather flock together