
Sunday, July 10, 2016

gardening in the hundreds

This past week didn't hit 100°, but the "feels like" was over 100 every day.
More of the same this coming week.

There is not a lot I can do except wander through the remaining gardens and worry. I have zinnias and marigolds blooming like crazy.  Some of the zinnias are short, stubby things and they must have been intended to be 12 inches or better.
That said, even in their stunted state, they are blooming profusely. 

There are taller ones that wave in the wind (no breeze here) weeks of very windy mornings and afternoons.  Makes it difficult to get a non blurry flower.

Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4th RAIN!

 The trouble with weather forecasting is that it’s right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. ~Patrick Young
Went to bed last night, no hint of rain in forecast.  Rainy morning and still dark at 7AM. 73° makes for pleasant weeding. (til I got too wet)

For weeks now, I have pondered just how to actually reduce the size of my garden(s). Winter and spring no real thought, just pull winter weeds, transplant sprouting cone flowers and sow some seeds.

Reality hits in the wee hours and keeps me awake. This morning, I think I have a workable plan.

The center of the gardens is a circle with a large mailbox for garden tools surrounded by Salvia Greggii.
The last three seasons have been hard on them. They have finally given up. I don't plan to replace them. It takes several seasons for them to be beautiful blooming, bee and butterfly attracting plants.  Not enough time anymore.

That said.  Salvias all come out. I will leave mailbox in the center. The hard part is clearing all weedy stuff out and keeping them down.  I cannot use corn gluten meal to deter seed germination as I plan to sow wildflower seeds in the whole bed.  This is sort of full circle.  The area once was a joy of wildflowers from Spring to Fall.

Extreme heat and drought took its toll and 3 of the beds are more or less given over to nature.  With a bit of weeding here and there. 

It will be another hard summer of trying to keep up.  Just hope the back and hands hold up.