
Monday, January 1, 2018


“The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity.” ― George Carlin

Remember to click on picture to see larger
American Painted Lady on salvia. The under side is beautiful
You have to look closely to see the design.  Tried to edit to make wing clearer.  Not successful.  A lot to learn in the editing department

Remember to click on any picture to see larger

Sulphur on Turk's on cap blossom

Giant Swallow Tail
I spent a lovely afternoon taking pictures of butterflies in the garden. This beauty stayed around a long time sipping on mostly the zinnias.  It was late summer and blossoms were scarce.

Skipper on mail box. Possibly a Southern Cloudywing

I walked to the mail box one hot, hot summer day.  Happened to look down between mail boxes and saw this.  Ran into the house, got my camera was fortunate to capture this Skipper. This picture doesn't show too well but it is looking up at the camera. It has huge eyes for size.

Skipper resting in shade
The Skipper is very tiny. Most folks miss out on their unique beauty because they are so small.
The neighbor's mail box is resting against ours and it blended into the color of rusty box.
Some Skippers are unique in that they have 4 wings.
I visited my sister in law in Oklahoma and spotted a Skipper on one of her flowers.  She had no idea they were visiting her flowers.

Black and orange is the Red Admiral. The pale brown is probably a Hackberry

In 2012 April,   our area was visited by butterflies.  Not just our neighborhood, probably the whole county. Maybe all of North Texas. I never did pursue the phenomenon , just marveled every day they were on our place.  This is a picture I took one chilly morning.  They and several more clung to the brick wall basking in the sun.

I had one of my first digital point and shoot cameras at that time, that was capable of making movies. Wonder of wonders!  It was impossibly easy.  I filmed the show, chased down neighbors to come see our bushes. Told strangers of the wonder.

I am sure they thought me odd.  It was just too exciting not to share.  I ended up with a video that I put to  music of Vivaldi Spring.  It looked wonderful on my niece's huge screen, digital TV.

Sachem skipper, Gulf Fritillary

Painted Lady

Probably Clouded Skipper.  Taken in back yard in Oklahoma