
Sunday, March 11, 2018

Woodpeckers on the feeders

I was shooting pictures of this fella while he was pecking/poking at the bark
I was amazed that I caught a front facing picture.
They are constantly scanning their surroundings and the sky
We had a few weeks of  "winter"  in February.  Not anything like the blizzards of the north.
It was cold enough and rainy enough to make outside work too nasty to dig in the dirt.

So, the next best thing?  Set up my tripod and camera in the kitchen window and take pictures.
A lot of throw aways and some very special.

We have two kinds of Woodpeckers that visit here.  The red bellied and the downy.
The downy is quite small. Somewhere around the size of a sparrow. (maybe a tad larger).
The red bellied is about 8 to 10 inches.

The red bellied doesn't take any guff from the pesky white winged dove.  It has a very large beak.

Click on a picture 
to see larger

I was having problems focusing and chose to keep this shot and the next.

All of these pictures are taken from kitchen window at different times of the day.

It is fascinating to watch while on the tree. They look as if they could fall over backwards.

The following are the downy woodpecker. Significantly smaller than the red bellied above.

As they got used to surroundings, they stayed on the feeder longer.