
Thursday, November 8, 2012


I have found a few web sites with loads of salvia/sage information. Looks as if this site is for South Carolina. If you are interested in the variety of sage species, this might fit the bill.

when you get to the site, I could not make it open on sages. However, if you type in perennial Sage, you will find good information on this species, sort of what you would find if you dug through the library garden encyclopedia for a few hours.

Click here
sage information

This site is from the Native Plant Society of Texas for sage/salvia

Click here
 sage north Texas.information

Now, I have a favorite salvia (Tropical) that can be a pest. A good pest.  She will sow her seeds wherever the wind blows them, kind of like our least favorite weeds.
She turned up this summer in my stone walk.

tropical salvia next to the house
This is one of my favorite pictures.Unfortunately, the colors are not as brilliant as in my pictures, but my camera caught the essence of the blossoms.

Tropical and Scarlet sage.  This was planted in the area close to bird feeders.  They bloomed all summer long.  Both plants self seeded and became rather a pest.  I still regret I could not have kept the garden full of these beautiful plants.

This web site is just for fun: mind you that the red Salvia can become a noxious weed!!

Click here
Salvia pictures,

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