
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Update on moles/pinwheels

Just had to remind myself that seasons change and the pinwheels that were nowhere to be found when I posted the lack of them anywhere.  Hobby Lobby has hundreds of them!!
We are officially done with winter. Here anyway.

I purchased one with a longer stick.  The stick portion is also thicker in circumference than a pencil.  I think this might not be a good vehicle for vibrations.
I am going to put the stick in a metal tube and then the ground.  I'm not sure if it makes a difference, but it does to me.

The pinwheels are so pretty anyway. Should make anyone smile walking around in my garden.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

My photo journey

This post was written about a month ago. It just needed a couple of photos to complete.  I love, love the moon photos.  My new Nikon (16 pixels) allows a lot more leeway than my old 8 pixel Cannon.

Today because of the weather I am stuck inside.

I worked very hard this morning before it rained and got so chilly. I am now forced to rest these  old bones.

What a wonderful problem to have.  Time to do nothing physical and learn about myself in the process.

I have been visiting blogs of other gardeners.  I am not doing so badly.  My blog is intended to be a journal of what I am doing in my garden (s).
One blog I visited was written by someone who could have been me.  She started out with no sophisticated camera or the knowledge there  of and has grown in her experiences of photographing for her blog.

I have taken many, many pictures and have a few that I feel are beyond average.  Some have told me that I "see" differently when I shoot a photo.  I hope so.


Aspen bark is so interesting
Summer sunlight
November sun rise

The moon setting

Cropping made it so!

Moles and me

After spending hours on the Web, the conclusion ; mole chasing is a crap shoot.

One thing that surprised me, one mole can do all the damage my yard is riddled with. Can that be? According to the gurus who make a living dealing with these pests. YES

Another item that makes sense to me. Sandy soil will not conduct vibrations as well as compact (clay) .

There areas of clay layered below the sand layer all over my acre.  My entire yard (1 acre) is sand.

My thinking is that if I can get the stick from the pinwheel into the clay, maybe the vibrations will also affect the sand?

Here's another mistake (huge) I have made for years.  Out of frustration, when I see the tunnels, I stick the hose in the hole and turn on the water.

 I have wasted gallons and gallons of water!!  Moles appreciate damp soil!!! It is easier to dig through (duh).  If you have ever stuck the hose in one of the tunnels and turned on the water, and watched the siphoning effect..........................The tunnels are endless and you are helping the little buggers dig more!!!

Conclusion: for me? The cheaper, large children's pinwheels are as good or better than any gizmo offered.
The trick is to find them.  I have spent a good bit of time on the Web searching for pinwheels that might do the job.  Hours later, no information that I can use.
The best thing (why didn't I think of it before) ask the neighbor who has some lovely ones and a smooth yard!
I may also try long necked bottles buried in the yard thingy.  The idea here is that the wind blowing across the opening makes a noise the little beasties don't like.

Worth a try and the best long neck I can think of is a wine bottle. (need I say more?)