
Saturday, May 11, 2013

My photo journey

This post was written about a month ago. It just needed a couple of photos to complete.  I love, love the moon photos.  My new Nikon (16 pixels) allows a lot more leeway than my old 8 pixel Cannon.

Today because of the weather I am stuck inside.

I worked very hard this morning before it rained and got so chilly. I am now forced to rest these  old bones.

What a wonderful problem to have.  Time to do nothing physical and learn about myself in the process.

I have been visiting blogs of other gardeners.  I am not doing so badly.  My blog is intended to be a journal of what I am doing in my garden (s).
One blog I visited was written by someone who could have been me.  She started out with no sophisticated camera or the knowledge there  of and has grown in her experiences of photographing for her blog.

I have taken many, many pictures and have a few that I feel are beyond average.  Some have told me that I "see" differently when I shoot a photo.  I hope so.


Aspen bark is so interesting
Summer sunlight
November sun rise

The moon setting

Cropping made it so!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pictures are just beautiful!