
Friday, November 21, 2014

A Winter Guest

Of course the other half of patio holds all the mess!

 I finally got around to cleaning the patio off.  Left over old window project stuff and leaves, leaves and more leaves.
Part of the cleanup involved moving a piece of plywood I had propped up against the dry sink.  Apparently, a squirrel decided the drawer would make a good home.  When I pulled out the drawer,  I pondered as to why I might put a handful of acorns in the drawer.  Then I pulled the drawer all the way out and there was a scattering of shredded paper and even a plastic freezer bag. Tell tale droppings showed up when I started cleaning up the mess.

Obviously, I had not been working on the windows on the patio in some time and the squirrel took advantage.  The patio looks better now with things put away.

I am in the very slow process of caulking the window panes, all 30 of them.  I have not reported on the brief work on the windows because, in the midst of scraping paint and sanding, I got quite ill.  It may have been simply dehydration (80's most of the time and humid) but I felt quite badly for a couple of months. Most people dread winter cold, I dread summer heat and humidity.

This project has been another in my bouts with perseverance.  I have the windows in the garage now and slowly working on the caulking.  The garage is too cold most days and too full all the time for me to work out there, thus I am using the kitchen table.
The old window in the picture has no glass and is in very bad shape.  I am planning to scrape and paint and maybe use a sheet of plexiglass and not try for individual panes of glass.  We will see....................

I will do a blog on the finished product, if that ever happens!

A Tool to Share

Husky all in one screwdriver
This is a tool every house hold and gardener should have.

First, the long shaft holds a screwdriver on either end. For different sizes of screws.  Each end has a flipable head for flat and Phillips.
Second, the screwdriver part  pointing to the handle, has squared off shaft to fit the holes on either end.
Unique?  You bet for me!! The "squared" shaft can be a grip for fingers to twist the screw into a hard to reach place.
I have had an unfinished wooden tray with predrilled holes for screws to attach handles.  The problem is the hole is too close to the "floor" of the tray. The handle on the screwdrivers I have including this  were  too large for turning. This puzzled me for a long, frustrating time.
Hubby pointed out the clever, clever idea of using the driver end without the handle. Worked perfectly!!

The ends of the shaft are 3/16 and  9/32 (fits most of the things I have)

I have seen on line they have upgraded this little jewel. It is still less than 10 dollars.
Husky brand has several more versions of this tool at various prices.

I highly recommend this tool

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Fall and bobcat and flowers

 “Plants want to grow; they are on your side as long as you are reasonably sensible.”
Anne Wareham


Don't forget to click on picture to view larger

We are having the usual, unusual fall.  A few weeks ago it was chilly in the mornings and pleasant 70's in the afternoon.  Now, we are back to 60's at night and 80's during the day.  Poor plants get so confused.
Another week has passed and we are back to chilly mornings and temps in the 70's.
Not to worry, it will probably be 95° next week.
We sure could use some rain.
This past September was the driest September on record for our area.

As a catch up on events the past month or so I am making a list.
Rabbit invasion/decline:  There is a big bobcat in the neighborhood.
Quail visit: Still no sign of mama or babies. Hope the bobcat is not the reason.
Critter catch and release trap: Skunks, raccoon, 2 opossum, house cat so far.  Nothing taking bait lately.  Maybe they have left?  We still smell signs of skunks.  There are an awful lot of skunks in the area. A neighbor has racing pigeons and stated over 6 skunks caught and who knows what else.

 I took some lovely pictures here and there.




“Mandy tidied the weeds and pulled out some of the summer flowers. It saddened her to do so. She was parting with beloved friends.”
Julie Andrews Edwards,
Hyacinth Bean Vine