
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Butterfly Weed

It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life. The rich colours of grass and earth were intensified by the mellow light of a sun almost warm enough for spring... ~P.D. James, A Taste for Death
Remember to click
on picture to see
Last year's butterfly weed

This year's butterfly weed

 We were gone from home for about 2 weeks, leaving plants unattended.  I fretted over this years butterfly weed the whole time.  It had lost all its leaves earlier in the year and with temperatures in the 90's and no rain the whole 2 weeks, I was concerned it would die.

Surprisingly, it is a beautiful plant and getting ready to bloom.
The flowers on this plant are all yellow.  Last year's plant is multi colored orange and yellow.

This is a good sign that it will make it through the winter.
This winter is forecast to be dry and not too cold.

Not good for wintering plants.
I have to comment again on the practicality of the black
pound in edging from Gardeners Supply catalog.  I have done this several times with this
edging. Making a sort of "pot" to hold water. Once it looks
settled, I will remove the edging.

I have another "pot" with a plant that I set out before we
left for our trip.  I forgot all about it.  Then, on closer
inspection, I remembered planting "something".
I watered it thoroughly and will watch for more leaves.
If we have a mild winter, I may actually figure out what
it is.

One last remark about the edging.  This picture
is of the only piece of edging to break. It still
comes in handy.


 I love garden surprises!  This is the Hyacinth Bean Vine.  I had attempted to grow this vine over my
metal arbor.  It never bloomed.  Plenty of leaves, no flowers.  I finally cut it all down.
Today, I was cleaning out this area and noticed the leaves first. Then the blossoms.  I don't even
remember planting seeds here.

Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons. ~Jim Bishop

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