
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A new year /old ideas.....a bit late.

"May I a small house and a large garden have.
And a few friends,
and many books, both true"  
Abraham Cowley


I wrote this several weeks ago.  Not much to report in the way of progress in the garden.
Everything is brown except weeds.  There are a few that I should know their names by now,.
They are amazing in how fast they grow.  Maybe I should just have a weed garden?  Lots less work.

The winter grass is healthy.  This grass will grow taller than the bluebonnets and hide their beautiful blue.  It is sort of a contest to see which will "win".

January 2017

The month is nearly over and nothing at all happening in garden.

I take that back, I saw a bluebird today.  I think I heard waxwings (they are early).  The pigeon racer has guests.  Because of his pigeons, hawks are in the area and birds are skittish. Will not visit the feeders.  They have come in quickly and leave.  All the usual guests so far.  Cardinals, Juncos, migrating sparrows, gold finches, wrens, white wing doves, Blue jays and the bluebird.

I watched a dove sitting in the bare branches of an old desert willow tree.  A white wing dove.  They are dark gray and blend in very will with blackish branches.  The way it was acting, I knew there was
a hawk in the area.  I looked out at the sky and sure enough, a Red Tailed hawk was sweeping over the neighborhood.  They are such beautiful birds.

We have had odd weather.  Weeks of very cold freezing temperatures followed by a week or more of 50's and even 70's.

There have been days of heavy fog.  Perfect for picture taking.  Too cold for my camera and when finally warmer, fog is gone.

We have had rain off and on as well.
The northern states have had snow, bitter cold, ice and more snow.  Dallas had 5 or so category 1 tornados through their area.  Football fans and players were advised to stay in the stadium until the storms passed.  Hubby and I slept through it all...

The patch of garden(s) past are full of bluebonnets.  I worried that I would have only what I sowed and maybe nothing but weeds.  I did not sow one bluebonnet.  They are thicker this year and all over the yard. 

No pictures this time.  Just thoughts on a cold, rainy evening.  There is much to do and if I am lucky, I will accomplish my few plans.

Happy New Year

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