
Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chasing Depression Era Murals

Travel ought to combine amusement with instruction; but most travelers are so much amused that they refuse to be instructed. ~G.K. Chesterton, "What Is America?", What I Saw in America, 1922

I have been thinking of a trip I took last year and still haven't finished blogging about that adventure and am eager to head out again.

I want to follow highway 83 from Texas to Wyoming. The highway actually (I think) starts in South Texas and goes all the way to Canada.  It is a "boring" drive if you need sightseeing and wonderful food.... It is more of a get there without a lot of traffic highway.

Rather than sit back and stare out the window while my companion does the driving, I hope to get pictures of places or subjects that the last year's trip made me interested in.
Of course, this means stopping here and there along the way.

I have become obsessed in the history and stories of the "Depression Era" arts project.  What started out as a "simple" quest of a few murals into a full blown history lesson.

I catch myself bringing up the topic to complete strangers and love to see the "what an interesting idea" in their eyes.

It just so happens that this year's new postage stamps include a sheet with pictures of these murals. Hence standing in line at the post office gives me a chance to spread the word.

I hope to include web site links for the curious.

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