
Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Oh, the things you can find, if you don’t stay behind. – Dr. Seuss
I don’t need it to be easy, I need it to be worth it. –
 Lil Wayne

When I decided to stop gardening because fate stepped in and decided for me, I did  a lot of moping and feeling empty. I love gardening so.
My sister is in a wheelchair now and is not able to do her "pots" on the deck.  She finds ways to grow flowers inside. The last visit she had a beautiful morning glory vine in her bathroom!  I would never think of growing flowers in my house.
She is my inspiration. I think our mom was what inspired we three sisters to have to garden.
remember to click on a photo to see larger

So, I found a new love.  I have always "noticed" things. With a gift of an iphone, I was/am unstoppable! I had a few point and shoot digital cameras that I used at first, took a lot of pictures of my garden with them.
The following pictures are in the waiting room of a Toyota dealership.
I asked if it would be alright to take pictures of their murals that are painted at the top of the wall starting  on one side of the room and string out to the end .

Each painting depicts the history of Burleson

There are different eras of history and one has to stop and look.

   I think hubby's letter jacket is still in the closet. 

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