
Monday, June 1, 2020


Amid all the madness of the previous months and then June 1st scary news, I want to dwell on a lovely Wednesday.
For years now, I have had my Wednesdays...
I started years back when it seemed everything revolved around house, garden, bills, aches and pains and reeely disliking the cafe we visited for breakfast....

So, hubby started telling me "this is your day". No fixing my breakfast, just go and enjoy the day.

There is a restaurant in Cleburne that makes the BEST breakfast taco.
The icing on the cake is there is a weekly flea market.  It has a book seller and good junk...

After years, I finally know her first name... Still don't address her as that, just good to know it...

The best part of the flea market, which is not too big, not too loud and no kids running out of control, or using the handicapped electric carts as a racing car.

There is more;  I am always searching for circular porches.  I got the bug driving the streets of Cleburne after leaving the flea market.
There are so many jewels in this city.

This past Wednesday, I did my "breakfast thing for the first time since the rules were to stay out of public places"
Not all of the old cowboys who occupy a long table and visit and eat huge breakfasts, were there.
I ate, and then headed for the flea market. I found "the book lady", visited and made my purchases.  Just in time.
It started to rain.  I made a dash (really a fast amble) to the car and headed home.

I took a different route and when I turned a corner, there it was. 
I started to just drive by as a woman came out of the house with a mug and chatting with a young boy.
I sucked it up, parked and got out of the car to ask if she would  mind if I took a picture of her porch.
Needless to say, I was pretty damp with rain and all.
She invited me to come up and sit.
I asked about the age of this house... 1909.
This porch is in the best shape of any I have taken pictures of.
She was worried it was messy.  I was thinking lived in...

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