
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Bluebird taking a bath

Nov 27, 2019 ... ~Nicholas Murray Butler. An optimist is someone who figures that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's the bluebird of happiness.

Click on picture for larger
 Smart phone users can turn phone horizontal to view photo

It looks as if it is raining on the bird. He had been splashing for a while and I managed to catch this.
Near by neighbors have bluebirds.  She feeds them mealy worms and has nesting boxes..
This fellow discovered the birdbath and is a frequent visitor.

Gas station art

There is a gas company named Maverik with several stations in the city.  I did check and they all have this theme in one version or another.
These pictures (murals?) overwhelm you when you walk through the door..
I forgot what I had wanted to do when I saw these.  They are all over the whole store, including restrooms (I didn't take any of the men's ):)
                                                                              Click on picture to enlarge                                                   
If you have a smart phone see if you can turn pictures horizontal.

This is the first one to hit you in the face. That is a snow boarder hanging from ceiling. Second, The whole wall is beverages! By wall, I mean 40 or 50 feet.


Over the drinks counter

Looking into hall, men's restroom to left

Looking through women's restroom door

Looking up from stall

Saturday, July 11, 2020

SHAMROCK, TX Round Porches

We were surprised to spot these round porches.  They all look as if they are occupied.  Which is a "good" thing.  The porches are not really around in "modern times"
Which is sad. Homes seem to be squeezed together on lots really too small for the 2 or 3 thousand sq. ft. edifices. They seem to be fortress like , even the doors are not welcoming...
No porch to sit on in the evening or early morning and maybe have a neighbor stop by...

If you have a smart phone, you may be able to turn it horizontal and see more detail.

           The roof is round but hidden behind foliage.

Saved the best for last.  With a lot of love and hard work these lovely homes can be enjoyed again.
An interesting aside; it appears that the facing under the metal roof is round and almost looks like an add on porch.
The floor is obviously curved...or it could be that metal could not be cut round?

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


Not true circular porch but interesting stairs in relation to the front door
 Taken in Red Cloud, Neb.

these 2 pictures might qualify as an has only the round roof and the other has only the round porch...
It would be interesting to ask owners if the was and add on.

As with this one why the round porch/deck
I love the yellow and white.
These three houses are in Cheyenne, Wyoming

This is an office building with rare circular porch
also in Cheyenne.