
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Gas station art

There is a gas company named Maverik with several stations in the city.  I did check and they all have this theme in one version or another.
These pictures (murals?) overwhelm you when you walk through the door..
I forgot what I had wanted to do when I saw these.  They are all over the whole store, including restrooms (I didn't take any of the men's ):)
                                                                              Click on picture to enlarge                                                   
If you have a smart phone see if you can turn pictures horizontal.

This is the first one to hit you in the face. That is a snow boarder hanging from ceiling. Second, The whole wall is beverages! By wall, I mean 40 or 50 feet.


Over the drinks counter

Looking into hall, men's restroom to left

Looking through women's restroom door

Looking up from stall

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