
Thursday, August 27, 2020


My niece and I stopped in this small town because it was time to stop and I just had to take more pictures.
To find a small, sleepy town splashed with color on nearly all the walls of buildings doesn't happen on a  "back road"
very often.
We had passed through this town the year before and breezed through thinking we would come this way again.
There are not a lot of buildings,
If you are using a smart phone, you can turn it horizontal and see a larger may have to click on each picture in order to see ....  
Name of the cafe is U Drop Inn.The green windows are the cafe side and the left side is a replica of  gas station.

This is a fast food place, doesn't look as if it is open...
We were not sure if the business is still open...

The wonder of this art is staggering...

I don't know the reason for the cow

A mural of historic events of city

Homage to Vietnam Vets

I think this  place is still open..
Whoops! Here is a picture of the U Drop Inn showing the gas station  

A cafe we did not get a chance to try out.

These  pictures are sort of out of order, I was too busy taking pictures to care!
Paintings are tucked in all over this place
Secret's out, it is a motel that is still open to travelers.

This is a blocks long homage to vintage cars back in the Route 66 days
I don't think there are all 50 states but close!

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


There seem to be a lot of creative people in Shamrock, Texas
One of the things we saw is pretty unique.
A plain brick fence with another idea....

If you are viewing with a smart phone, turn horizontally.You may have to click on each picture separately to see larger.


Hmm, if you look close, there is a seat on this contraption and on the front it looks like an animal can be hooked up to pull....

There were several more things going on in the back yard as well.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


I remember the library I took my children to, I wonder if it had fantastic murals like these...
My children are grown and when we get to reminiscing they remember our trips to the library as special...

If you are using a smartphone, turn horizontal
Other wise just click on picture for larger

Sunday, August 23, 2020


I think my motto should be;  Carpe Diem.  Roughly, enjoy yourself when you have the chance...
                                Roman poet Horace
Remember to click on picture for larger.Those who are using smart phone, turn picture sideways and tap the picture.
The first house is the best kept and didn't expect to see any others

This house is on the same side of the street a few doors down.


I missed this one because I had a stop sign.  It was too late to turn around and get a picture.  So, of course, early  the next morning, I'm on the road to Cleburne to capture this one.  It looks like a rental.
If you look closely, the posts are not on a concrete deck.  More like a sidewalk depth...

This house is in Burleson on Renfro Street.  I have been driving past it for years.  It was nothing special for a long time, at times may  have been vacant.  And, of all things, hubby (who never notices anything) told me he knew where there was a round porch. It is so pretty and fits on this corner nicely.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020


My niece and I started our search on Hwy 83 off of Interstate 20 to capture murals in unexpected places...
Shamrock, Texas is on the old Route 66, now shared with Interstate 40.
We got there late in the day and realized we would not have enough time to capture the riot of murals in this tiny town.
Elvis spent the night there once and there is a cafe called the U Drop Inn. There is a booth with a placard noting this is where sat....
We spent the night and after breakfast went on a mad photo tour of this tiny, sleepy town.
We expected the ubiquitous museum but not the overwhelming paintings on just about every building and retaining walls.
Me being the mad photographer demanding "stop, stop" at my patient driver.  What fun!

                                             To make sense of it all.... this wall is on the north side, the back is facing west and the rest is on the south side of the open space.  There probably was a building here....
This is the front part of the south wall. 

This is at the "back" of the U shaped display. It looks as if the buildings were all attached in a continuous flow.  This is the back of a building on the street another block away. The alley.

This is the south wall.
 This tiny picture is obviously a castle.
 Homage to Ireland is my guess...

This is on the north wall hidden by huge tree.
North wall

The attention to detail for such a
large undertaking is amazing.

Again, this is on the left (north) as you stand on the street.

i took this one to show
the artistic detail.

The beginning of mural on the north wall.
North wall

North wall

This is at the end of the south wall
If I get to take another trip on this highway, I think I'll try the panoramic thingy ...