
Friday, January 22, 2021

Round Porch Finale

I was too late to capture the before -- this is the after.

There seems to be a good bit of yard here
 There is not much yard on either side and the back yard still needs work..

I   think this counts
There has to be a story here.

I wanted to write this at the top and add the bit about the smart phone  but I have had so much trouble just getting this done....
I was ready to post and hit something I shouldn't and lost it all...
Thus, this is just the ending...
I still drive the streets in search of a stray porch...



Sunday, November 22, 2020


 They are out there you just have to look

Mystery solved
                                                                              This house has been a puzzle for some time.  I guess I like finding answers to a question;  just how old is this house?
I found a realty web site and due to good fortune of this place has house number in plain sight. It is under the eave of roof over the front steps...
That said, the house number led me to a realtor web site with this house...There are several photos of the interior, which is nearly as good as a tour..
As far as I can tell, it was built in 1891 and was moved to this site from across the street.
It is now a bed and breakfast.

This is an interesting booklet of historic homes in Cleburne.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 If you have a smart phone, try turning horizontal. You may have to do this for each individual picture.

I remember taking these pictures and being able to get so close to the butterflies.  Couldn't get enough.  One picture I couldn't get and regret is me standing oh so still with big smile while butterfly rested on my t-shirt.

Accidentally blurring the background.
I smile even now remembering trying to unfold my knees to stand up

There is a certain fascination of taking pictures of the underside of flowers.  Not to mention hoping no one is watching the gyrations to do it.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Mr Gould and his whirly ,curly machines

You can CLICK  a picture to enlarge.  If you are using a smart phone, you will probably have to click each picture to view horizontal.
Wind Thing

A little house on the access road from North Platte, Neb.
We have driven past this place every time we travel to Wyoming. We finally visited this quirky place.  It has been here a long time. I think that slanted thing is an entry to the cellar...

This guy doesn't seem to have moving parts. I'd bet though, that something moves..

You will enjoy these web sites


Okay, bear with me here; I see the face of a dog, 
The red things "whiskers?"



               Any ideas?...I don't get past intestines?         Check the background. They all have moving parts and if it is windy they can go pretty fast

Not sure what this little guy is...

The red car is a Volkswagen with a trunk added. There are all kinds of vehicles with creative altering. 

These tiny things move 
Those are "skies" braced to the body of copter or what ever you would call it. That tiny propeller moves really fast...


It wasn't windy enough to turn this.
        I would like to see what turns... 

Looking at the elephant's rear can you tell what it is made of?
A darling little man, so happy to show us his creations.  He has an impish smile at times.

He had many other things to show us, an eight wheel even runs.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


Click for larger or if you are using smart phone you can turn horizontal . You may have to turn each picture one by one...

This is a bank front in Valentine, Neb.  I have debated how to present it... It was a serendipity occurrence as we were there for a post office mural..

This is a bank building that was supposed to be where the WPA mural was.  

I studied this photo over and over and in the small view on my iphone, it looks like the bricks are raised.  The artist was very clever in my view...

                        The detail is amazing

        I'm leaning to trompe loi which is an art technique to depict an object in three dimension.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


They are there, you just have to look...

I call this gem a doll house.  
Driving down a street I have been on so often, I cannot believe I never noticed this place.
It is 3 blocks off of the main drag and I never saw it.

A foggy morning in Cleburne.  Spotted this house on a "new" street.  This seems to be the most popular design.
I have taken pictures of same style in three different locations.
Click on a picture for larger.
If you are using a smart  phone you can turn horizontal for larger. You may have to go to each picture separately...

This house is on a street parallel to the one that more or less started my fascination/fixation about round porches. Seemingly, they are of another era.  I actually found a "new" house that was trying to fit the round porch era...
This street has a lot of round porches that are difficult to see and drive at the same time.  The older homes tend to have more bushes and large trees that hide details.
The ramp has been there for a long time... before I was thinking "round.."

The roof of this house is hidden behind the trees..I got a glimpse of it and was getting out of the car when the owner of the house drove up.
I asked her the age of the house.. 1900.

Across the street from the house above is this smaller house.  It is the first I have seen being renovated.                                                          

Sunday, September 20, 2020


The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land.  ~G.K. Chesterton
                            SWETSVILLE ZOO
Remember to click on picture for larger.
If  using a smart phone, try turning horizontal.

My niece told me she knew of this place and, since we were on the way home from a matinee play in Longmont, Colorado why not stop.


Look close, there are dinosaurs here

It had been raining all day.  Also magic.  I had (escaped) from Texas heat wave to cool nights and moderately hot days in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others: Jonathan Swift

Apparently, many of these sculptures were painted.  They have been here a long time..

A donations box was unobtrusively placed at the entrance, along with a list of the names of the sculptures. Seems that is the only list.  Visitors should make a copy of it with their phones or cameras for future reference.

My niece read off from the list that had a numerical tag on each sculpture that corresponded with numbers on list. This while I was in heaven taking pictures of this wonderment.
I remember this name/ Humpty Dumpty

It had been raining and I didn't even mind the leaves of many, many trees dripping water down my neck or on my head.

There are numerous web sites about this place.  Some mentioning it may be gone in the future.  Development seems so intent on wiping out creative endeavors in the name of the all mighty dollar.