
Thursday, September 24, 2020


They are there, you just have to look...

I call this gem a doll house.  
Driving down a street I have been on so often, I cannot believe I never noticed this place.
It is 3 blocks off of the main drag and I never saw it.

A foggy morning in Cleburne.  Spotted this house on a "new" street.  This seems to be the most popular design.
I have taken pictures of same style in three different locations.
Click on a picture for larger.
If you are using a smart  phone you can turn horizontal for larger. You may have to go to each picture separately...

This house is on a street parallel to the one that more or less started my fascination/fixation about round porches. Seemingly, they are of another era.  I actually found a "new" house that was trying to fit the round porch era...
This street has a lot of round porches that are difficult to see and drive at the same time.  The older homes tend to have more bushes and large trees that hide details.
The ramp has been there for a long time... before I was thinking "round.."

The roof of this house is hidden behind the trees..I got a glimpse of it and was getting out of the car when the owner of the house drove up.
I asked her the age of the house.. 1900.

Across the street from the house above is this smaller house.  It is the first I have seen being renovated.                                                          

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