
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Pictures left over after earlier post of South Dakota

This time of year, I cringe when I see my spouse during the daylight hours. Unknown

Ominous clouds on the day arranged for branding that proved there was still rain in the offing.

A lot of "yard" to look after year round. Just one view from driveway.

Don't forget to click on picture for larger.
One of my favorite shots


 Amazing metal back in the day.  No telling how long these have sat unused.  I didn't see any serious rust decay.

As antiquated as they seem in modern times, they must have been a blessing to farmers.  When you think of early farmers following a horse or other animal pulling a large plow blade. They must have marveled at the convenience of it all!

Hubby thoroughly enjoyed  pondering these beauties from time gone by.

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