
Sunday, March 20, 2016

March dreams ..... again

I came across this quote while trying to get head together for another post.  Made me smile.

Thinking strongly about buying a pint of coffee toffee crunch  and eating it all in one sitting!
Feel free to change the flavor it you wish.
Works for me :)
Pink Bluebonnets have turned up in several spots

I am so grateful for folks who have asked that I start posting again.  I am truly a cool (not cold--there is a difference!) weather person.  Two days ago, I worked all day, with numerous breaks to get back and hips into another pose.  Bending from the waist is not a good posture any more. :)

It was a perfect day.  Overcast all day, misting occasionally, not much wind, and never got over 65°.
I was able to take a few pictures along with amending tired, sandy, washed out beds.  I love digging and stirring goodies into the dirt.

I am still in the process of attempting to let several garden plots go back to nature.  Hard to do when the annoying grass clumps keep growing and growing and threatening to take over everything.  They have such a tenacious hold on the ground that the bigger they get, the harder to dig out. I am too lazy to look the name of it up.

Spring makes its own statement, so loud and clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer. ~Geoffrey B. Charlesworth

Caught drops of rain jewels in leaves
An old Turks Cap bush. Normally, the stalks die and do not green up.

Early morning blossoms from a tree that I have yet to decide what it is

Had this bowl on the table for days. So delicate and perfect

Cold morning visitor.  Texas Spiny Lizard
I was blowing leaves off the patio and noticed a clump of leaves and trash under the dry sink. Discovered this lizard under with only tail showing.  It was too cold to run away.  I covered it back up and returned later in the morning.  It had gotten behind this old window and looked as if it couldn't figure out how to get across the wood.
They have very odd looking feet, not normal claw looking

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