
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sweet potato seedlings;update

I love having my hands in the dirt. It is never a science and always an art. There are no rules. And if it comes down to me versus that weed I'm trying to pull out of the ground that doesn't want to come out? I know I'll win. Matthew McConaughey
A month  later and views sweet spud,cantalope lost out,watermelon, other plant is a regular potato plant and a cherry TOMATO  (eventually pulled the potato plant up and enjoyed 2 nice size baking potatoes.)

Yesterday I was pulling weeds.  They never die!  Every season, another set of weeds. I really should know the names of the pests, but not worrying about names as much as how to pull as many as I can while they are small and before they head out in more and more seeds. Which is laughable as I think of it.  The tiny seeds from miles away can end up in my beds!
I use vinegar spray on the youngest in the paths and beds. Sometimes it works well but with arthritic hands, hardly worth the effort.

Last year, I had buried table scraps in my still poor soil.  Some seeds will germinate no matter how deeply I bury scraps.  Given that roaming critters and neighbor's dogs can sniff out food, I bury deeper than necessary.

I have learned that I cannot  put my scrap bowl out on my dry sink as, even with no meat, something sniffs it out and it will end up dumped to the patio floor and make a stinky mess. Cats? Raccoons? Squirrel?  Big dog?  There are some big dogs that roam at night and prowl out food just like critters...

While muttering at the speed with which weeds take over, I found a nice surprise.
There is a watermelon or maybe cantalope seedling peeking out and an expected sweet potato seedling or three.
I will let both grow for the time being and see if my idea of last fall will be the deciding factor of which to let take over the bed.
sweet potato/NOT


Last year, the two or three vines of both melon and potato overwhelmed the bed, pathway and even climbed on pots when it could. The reason being that I bury food scraps all winter and seeds from the very few melons that left seeds when rotting...
The sweet potato sprout is a puzzle.  I thought I yanked everything out...

Amazing giants these vines.  We even had a few bites of a watermelon that kept growing well past time.  Just a few bites.  Not bad.

This time of year, things green up so fast I cannot keep up.   The good thing?  I relish any excuse to be out there fighting again.  When temperatures are below 75°, I will spend hours and hours...and hours outside. Grateful that I can squat, kneel, hoe, dig, see, hear................Life is good.

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