
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Transplanted Butterfly Bush/Update

Click on picture for larger

As of today, April 29, the transplant went through stages of wilting, perking, big wilt, now healthy.
I am sure it was just shock of the move.  Hope it will survive the hot days ahead.

Transplanting this time of year is iffy.  I have transplanted in the past with poor to fantastic results.
This year things are looking good.

That said, I have nurtured one of many, many seedlings of the butterfly bush that came up in the "wrong" place 2 years ago.  I let it go and it is now a nice small bush.  Unfortunately, sends out many, many seeds....

I have tended one seedling, thinking that it was three close together.   Yesterday, the weather was cool and overcast and damp. Perfect for transplanting. I attempted to dig out the plants(s) only to find it was one plant.  By the time i got to that point, the roots were exposed.  Three perfect roots.  I quickly moved to a perfect spot and did my best to arrange the bare roots just so.  Got it settled in and watered and went inside.  Lo and behold, the sun came out.  Not good.  Too stressful for transplanting. It didn't look so good last evening.

This morning, the plant was perky.   Then the sun came out again...  I got a picture of perky.
Now to wait and see if it takes hold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy looking at your blog. Hope your butterfly plant lives.