
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Showy Primrose

Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up until your back gets used to it. ~Author Unknown

Click on picture for larger

If you look close you can see an insect on the back side of petal.
                          These flowers are some I took with my iphone in April 2017.  Sometimes, other ideas come along and I have to play catch up                           

I wonder if this insect ate these holes

It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want — oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, Detective
If it were only so.

We have had days and days of rain. Some light to drizzly and some great downpours.
The more rain we get, the more mole damage shows up.
A whole new patch of collapsed runs with gaping holes.  Have to watch where we step.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Mole damage exposed by heavy rain

On the wind in February
Snowflakes float still,
Half inclined to turn to rain,
Nipping, dripping, chill.
~Christina Georgina Rossetti, "A Year's Windfalls," 1866

This bucket is like an optical illusion it looks deep and yet only 6"
It sure feels as if there was more rain than this.
Click on picture for 
This is the top of the wash out.  I could not find the source of water rushing through.

Side view of collapsed trail below. Gonna have to haul in some dirt.

Not a great picture. This is trail is at least 6' long.

Looks like little pest just made a right turn

Picture does not reflect what a mess this is. This is the area I thought I had taken care of by blocking . Obviously I was mistaken.  Mud spilled out on to the gravel path. Maybe I should just get a bulldozer and wipe out the whole thing?

This hole is about 4" wide, the stick  went down about 10"
Hubby found 3 baby moles out by our driveway.  How they got there is a mystery. I thought they washed out of a trail. He thinks adult dragged them out.  I wouldn't mind seeing more.  The destruction these rodents do is horrendous if it goes unchecked.  I have tried numerous things and had short term success in the small area I treated. 

February moon

I prefer winter and Fall, when you feel the bone structure of the landscape — the loneliness of it, the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it, the whole story doesn’t show. ~Andrew Wyeth
After days and days of cold and rain.  About 10 inches of rain. I finally got out with my camera to document the destruction, since I knew there would be some.
          My garden area has been hard hit with mole tunnel collapsing through the heart.
          An old area that I had repaired a number of dry winters ago and the heavy deluge that
          wiped   out the garden path that the moles had undermined.  I thought I had won the battle.

          More on that later.  This is a wonderment that I must share while it is upper most in my

         I took pictures of mole damage,  gorgeous sunset and then "what the heck"  I found the
         moon flirting with fog like clouds and propped my elbows on an old rain tote and got

Found the moon high in the sky in seeming fog

February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March. ~J.R. Stockton
Mine is not a high end camera but I am happy!

I could probably edit this, but I cannot think of better shot!