
Friday, August 16, 2019

August moon 2019

"The moon is at her full, and riding high, 
Floods the calm fields with light. 
The airs that hover in the summer sky 
Are all asleep to-night."
-  William C. Bryant

I walked outside at dusk and saw this glorious moon.  It took my breath away.
Run to the house, grab the camera that was fortunately on a tripod.
Then try to capture the magic.
Oops!  Standing in a fire ant bed !!!  Not easy to get a good shot with little devils biting my ankles!!
Moved to the center of the street and managed to capture one more moon.

"Once upon a Lammas Night
When corn rigs are bonny,
Beneath the Moon's unclouded light, 
I held awhile to Annie...
The time went by with careless heed
Between the late and early,
With small persuasion she agreed
To see me through the barley...
Corn rigs and barley rigs,
Corn rigs are bonny!
I'll not forget that happy night
Among the rigs with Annie!"
-  Robert Burns 

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