
Monday, August 26, 2019

Cave Cricket

Nature never hurries. Atom by atom, little by little, she achieves her work. Ralph Waldo Emerso

I was on my knees trying to focus my iphone on the water meter numbers.

And Needless to say, when I flipped the cover these
legs appeared.  Oops?  What the heck?
So, one hand on the cover and the other with my
iphone managed a shot.
The long portion of leg was about 2 inches?

I then flipped the cover over and this huge insect crawled
out of the hole.
Another one handed shot (not easy) and managed to get
a pretty clear picture.

 The color is pretty much what I saw.  It didn't hop off, just
wandered off into the grass.
I went on line and described this critter and the best answer is a Cave Cricket.  It has several other names in other parts of the country.
As long as I have been gardening and working in the yard, I have never seen anything like this.
Much to my distress, these can become house pests???

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