
Saturday, December 15, 2012


You cannot have a story of Texas without a windmill

Perfect morning for a drive
While taking pictures of grazing cattle, they began to gather together to see what I was

I have been driving to Canton for over 20 years and still look forward to it.  It is constantly changing.
I have learned that certain times of the year, it is
Another scene in Texas travels, barbed wire fencing.
a good idea to get there EARLY.  Since I live 2 hours away, this means up and out by 6AM.

If I am lucky, I get to see scenery like these pictures.  Fog is fascinating and a wonderful subject to use in picture taking.

I have a dear sister-in-law, who is not a morning person at all and she is a real trouper when I start waking her at 5:30AM.  She is my Canton buddy!

The biggest weekend is the first weekend of the first Monday in December.

At last the City of Canton!

 Canton is an East Texas city of 3,583 and the County Seat.  Which meas it has a court house in the center of the county, or as near as possible to the center.
This building is the first place we visit when we arrive.  The facility is hilarious in that the stalls are tiny and have a shower curtain (cut in half lengthwise) for privacy.  Awkward to say the least, but all in fun of the day's adventures to come.

The trade days was originally called First Monday.  And if memory serves, trading was held on the court house grounds.

I have no idea what the population swells to on the first Monday weekend. Thousands and thousands travel from all over the country to be there, antiquing, shopping and eating and more eating.

 What I really love about this place along with all the shopping and eye filling displays, is the people.  Even with crowds so thick in some of the permanent buildings, everyone is so friendly and seem to be having a really good time.

I am sure there are other large flea markets around the country with the same type of shoppers.
I hope to visit some of them some time.

This is one of my favorite places.  It is not very big, but so welcoming and tastefully done, it is one of the first places I head to.

When my husband and I first began visiting Canton, there were not as many permanent buildings as there are now, I call the unreserved area the "cheap seats".  This is where the fun really is.

I am going to post as is and add pictures at a later date.

1 comment:

Barbara Peterson said...

Lots of photos on this blog.