
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Texas and snow

I have been reading a book with a great description of what snow is all about.  The blizzards in South Dakota and other northern states area a thing of extreme danger of freezing to death.................

So, I am reminded of a snow we had here in north Texas a few years ago in February that was so awesome in its amount, and the after effects...............

It was "only 12 inches"  no blizzard winds, nor deep freeze, but something to behold.
The tall tree in the back ground is a pine.

These were taken from the patio. Many of the branches were so heavy they dragged the ground.  I worried that the limbs might break.

Now, I am originally from northern Minnesota.  I have seen "snow", but after 50 years living in Texas, this was remarkable.
No branches broke and the snow was gone 12 hours later.  Looking out on this view from  warm and toasty windows, it was a treat.

Then, there are the cardinals.  We have cardinals year round, but they are so photogenic. So, here's a few of my favorite pictures

Cardinals rarely approach the patio, this guy was looking for food

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