
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Winter in North Texas

We have had weeks and weeks of winter weather.  Days and days of wandering to the kitchen window and checking the temperature.  "It has dropped another degree." "Sure is windy." How cold is it supposed to get tonight?"  "Look, the woodpecker is back!" "Where is my sweater, it's chilly in here." "How about a pot of soup for lunch?"

Then, as in years past, warmer weather.  50 degrees last night!!  65 high for today and 60's for the rest of the week.

The discouraging thing?  There are still unfinished projects in the house.  I had no excuse to not finish as I was "trapped" inside by the weather.  I make lists and more lists and then find them weeks later with nothing finished on them.

I am a list maker, a to-do planner, dreamer of what the garden will look like when things begin to sprout in the garden.  Oh, joy!  I finally have an excuse not to complete the list projects as "all my energy goes to the garden." :)

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