
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Balmy April and flying insects

We need insects; just not all at once.  Something came to mind................................mosquitoes and gnats.

What I like about the odd warm days in winter.  Warm being relative as 40° in January or March can be lovely.  Mainly, I like being out and sitting quietly without gnats and mosquitoes attacking.  I try to just enjoy the fact that I am not continually swatting the air in the struggle to keep the beasties at bay.

It is only a few more days until May and the swarms are awake and attacking with a vengeance. I can keep the gnats from diving for my eyes with a good pair of safety goggles. All be it, scratched and smudged makes for not too clear view.  Mosquitoes from going for the back of the elbows with long sleeve shirt.  Unfortunately, when the temperature reaches 85+, sweating will require other plans.

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