
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Garden seating

Treasure from the side of the road

Hubby and I took a little time out this morning to sit on one of my seating creations.
It was a perfect morning.
Perfection made more so by the pleasure of watching a Monarch visiting the milk weed plant I had set out this past Spring.
He (being used to my camera in front of my face) asked where my camera was.
No need for a camera. I have enough pictures right now.  Just wanted to savor those few minutes

The "bench" is 2 railroad ties stacked.  The surface was not very comfortable with a big ol' bolt sticking out.  The 4 pieces used for the "seat" were already the perfect length and covered the bolt nicely.
Don't ask me where they came from. I just wandered around the place and voilá there they were.Hubby screwed all 4 down for stability. I have intentions of putting a cushion top on it some day.

Purchased from garden center, badly weathered. A little oil fixed that!

Purchased for $10.00 damaged corner

I have a nice collection of seating for the time
when I need a quick sit down.
Some are shaded which is nice in summer

 “To dream a garden and then to plant it is an act of independence and even defiance to the greater world.”
Stanley Crawford,
A Garlic Testament: Seasons on a Small New Mexico Farm

Found on the side of the road

A bit of cross tie and cinder blocks under a tree. The blue ice chest makes a nice pot for plants

This was an expensive kneeler. Moves around nicely.

A bit of repair to the decorations on the back and a slat for the seat.  All this bench needed. It turned out too nicely to set out in the weather. It does have a good view of the front garden.
Buried post ends and a bit of laminated shelving.

Emergency seating!

Sometimes this all you need!
4 cinder blocks, a wire shelf, piece of old plywood.  In the shade. Life is good
“As I leave the garden
I take with me a renewed view,
And a quiet soul.”

Jessica Coupe, Life Abundant a 30 day devotional for Latter-day Saint Women

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good use for an old Revere ware cooking pot.