
Saturday, October 25, 2014


September was a "miserable" month for me.  The heat is so depressing.  I fight it and still give in to "woe is me, why do I even try?"

That is when I took my pitiful self to proof that all is not lost.  I love to visit Weston Gardens in Fort Worth at various times of the year.  Even winter can be a revival of the spirit. Garden life does go on, and on, and on.  One just has to go on, and on as well.

I wandered through the peaceful demonstration gardens after visiting the plant sales area.

Even though things in the sales area are a little weather worn, it is still a hopeful sign to see what they have to offer.
Self pity closes the mind to buying new plantings when everything in my garden is dying or planning to.

And then, I spotted a beautiful proof that all is not lost.  This photo is of the Hyacinth Bean Vine. Yes!!
My bean vines have suffered mightily, what with bad potting soil, heat, drought, mistaken attempts to plant where they didn't have a chance.  This picture does not do the vine justice.  The blossoms are a beautiful purple and will turn into dark maroon bean pods later. What a glorious thing to behold!

I have to remember that my Turk's Cap is a healthy plant in spite of drought.

Don't forget to click on photo for larger view

I love this bench!!

Broken pot reclaimedl!

Mine never look this good this time of year!

I have glued a few pots in my time.
Happy to see that my fix can be a statement all on its own.

“By bringing a soulful consciousness to gardening sacred space can be created outdoors.”
S. Kelley Harrell, Nature's Gifts Anthology

“Regardless of geographical region or culture gardening is perhaps the most common and shared experience of Nature.”
S. Kelley Harrell,
Nature's Gifts Anthology

“As I leave the garden
I take with me a renewed view,
And a quiet soul.”
Jessica Coupe,
Life Abundant a 30 day devotional for Latter-day Saint Women


“I am intrigued by writers who garden and gardeners who write. The pen and the trowel are not interchangeable, but seem often linked.”
Marta McDowell

Beauty Berry

I had forgotten how tough this plant is!


I think it is time to set out some more Caladiums.
I have plenty of shade now.

In the end, don't let summer doldrums get you down.  You can visit an arboretum, public garden, a nursery, a park a,neighbor, anyplace with plants and shade and maybe sitting spots can restore your soul.

Oh, yes and they do sell tea of all kinds.  They also have a beautiful assortment of things related to tea.
A bit of green in my favorite pot

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