
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Spring and Irises

 I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden. ~Ruth Stout

The weather has been perfectly Spring like for days and days.  Except for the wind, couldn't be more perfect.

Things have been popping up all over.  California poppies are in full bloom.  I have moved most of the cone flowers from the bed where the caterpillars ate the heck out of them.  There are still a few that are really to large to move.  So, will try to keep the caterpillars off of them.  I hope moving them to another site will confuse them enough not to find.

I have put in 2 new Butterfly weed plants and an Orange Zexmenia. Bought a flat of verbena and have stuck them in pots and hope they do well in summer.

My lavender plants are blooming!  I hoped and hoped that the newest one would survive.  It has many blossoms and smells sooooo good! 

The big surprise?  Irises!!  This stand of Iris had one blossom on it last year.  I did some cleaning out and moving corms and it paid off. 

An additional surprise.
I was cleaning leaves and branches from under the big live oak and found one of nature's treasures.
A perfect mobile.

From a Sweet Gum tree

These are part of the old windows project finally painted

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