
Monday, September 14, 2015

End of summer zinnias

I visited my sister-in-law last week and enjoyed the colors and color changes of the tall zinnia survivors of a long hot summer.
Oklahoma got more rain than we got here in north Texas and she still has tomatoes and blooming things.

Some would say the garden was bedraggled and untended. I say there is color everywhere!  What joy to take pictures of blooms!  My gardens are burned up except for surprising regeneration here and there.

There were enough zinnias to pick and make lovely arrangements to enjoy the entire time I spent with my sister-in-law.  We ate, talked, napped and ate and talked and I took pictures of the changing blooms.
It was fascinating to watch the smallish center of the flowers begin to grow darker and larger.  If they hadn't been in the kitchen, we would have missed the hourly changes.

My daughter had given me an older iphone and I tested the camera.  I am not in love with the thing as a rule, but it has a surprisingly good camera.
End of summer rescued from garden
Don't forget to click on picture for larger.
Interesting marigold blossoms


More last blooms.

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