
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Visiting Wrens

Right side of patio

Left side of patio
The visitors came in early and I caught these pictures.  I think the change in sundown and sunset has confused them. They were on "their time" last night.

We have been enjoying our overnight guests for weeks.  I have not gotten a good picture as they arrive at dusk and leave at barely daylight.
Normally, there are 2. One in each corner of the eaves of the patio. The other night 3 cuddled together in one corner.  It is the most fascinating thing to anticipate their nightly visits.  They don't stay every night and I worry when they don't appear.

Aphids on Butterfly bush

I found this idea on Pintrest.  The suggestion for the orange color was a plastic cup. I looked and none to be found.
I painted one plastic bottle and placed it next to the bush.  A few days later, aphids appeared on one leaf.
I pulled the leaf off and got rid of the aphids.
I painted a second bottle and so far, no aphids.  The little buggers are just gearing up to attack this plant.
Same time every year.

We will see. This plant was one of the few survivors of the heavy rains followed by hot dry summer. This plant looked dead in July.  I did not dig it out. Let it sit all winter and was so happy to see it come back.  Hubby just nodded and smiled when I reported the tiny leaves popping up.  No gardener, he.

We don't have many butterflies because there were no flowers for them last year. I am assuming that is the reason.

Hopefully, when things start really blooming, butterflies will find them.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Gardener beware and be aware of potting soil lies on bag

Stay Green Brand

It didn’t occur to me that… that gardening, like music, could demand practice, patience, a willingness to make mistakes. -Amy Stewart

This is a Rant that is too important (to me) to not post as a blog.
I am trying container gardening in the left over wake of last years flooded gardens.  At my age, starting over with empty garden space is a bit overwhelming.

I purchased 6 bags of this potting soil. Thank goodness I only opened 2.  I expect a nice sort of fine soil with moisture thingies and a bit of fertilizer.  I DO NOT expect sticks the size of a ruler, chunks of pine bark the size of a small saucer, twigs, and other detritus one might find on the floor after cleaning up your garden shed or what ever.

This trash was nearly 7 dollars a 1.24 cubic foot bag.
In my rush and enthusiasm to get pots filled, I suddenly realized I was SIFTING the trash for a bit of nice sized soil.  Arrgh!!

I loaded the remaining 4 bags and with my receipt in hand returned to store and got my money back.


Now, the weather is perfect for my working in the garden, filling containers with lovely plants.   AND I FORGOT TO BUY MORE SOIL!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Texas "snow" in May

                          Snow comes in many forms. There is wet snow, dry snow,icy snow.

                          The north still has snow falling, blizzards, Spring put on hold.
                          While we here in North Texas have drifts of flowers that look like snow.
                          Our privet bushes are/were covered in white blossoms visited by bees

                          And it smells soooo good!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Wren species puzzle

We had 2 or 3 pairs of wrens on the feeders yesterday.  They haven't been around for a while. Maybe they were nesting?

 I wrote about wrens a while ago and finally am able to say my night visitors are Bewick's  wrens.  I am still learning to identify species and don't trust my research sometimes.  I have a new camera with a good zoom and could make out identifying markings. Still trying to catch a good picture. 

 This first corner is on the left side on the patio.  This little fella clings to the ledge and faces the corner. He comes in at dusk and leaves at daylight. It is always too dark to catch a picture of it.

This is the right corner that he is now sleeping in.  This area is always dark as soon is the sun goes down and it is difficult to spot the bird if you don't know it is there.

We love the wrens that visit our feeders and trees.  We will laugh at it when it peers in the window, perches on the detritus of the patio or clings to the window screen.

I am a very early riser and usually look out the kitchen window to check this corner.  This morning, wonder of wonders, there was a pair of wrens sleeping there!  I watched and waited for them to wake. She woke first, walked along the ledge, looking for all the world like any other person or animal trying to wake up.

She sort of paced a bit and a minute or so the male woke.  He, too, was slow to wake.  Then, they flew off together.

Life is good when a human gets to watch this event.  I hope they don't try to nest there...  we use the patio every day and it would be bothersome to have to avoid the back door until the babies arrive.

I had a wreath on the front porch one year and the wrens made a nest in it.  I didn't even know it was there until they started flying out of it to an overhanging branch and fussing loudly.

We used the back door most times.  I (of course) peeked into the nest a few times.  Never did see the babies learning to fly or take off for good.

Unfortunately, the babies pottyed in the nest and the end result was a patch of paint that peeled off. The blemish has been a constant reminder to paint the darned wall!  I am in the slow process of painting the whole porch now.  One thing I don't do these days is hop out of bed, don painting garb and hit the job at day break.  I hope to finish it this week. Funny thing? The six foot wooden step  ladder has gotten too heavy for me.  I need a good, aluminum ladder.

I am trying an experiment with color to see if the "experts" are correct in saying to paint the ceiling and eves blue (probably not as bright as my blue) will discourage wasps from building nest.  I have finally gotten that done.  Just need to do walls.

There were a few confused wasps buzzing around while I cleaned and prepped for the blue.  Looks pretty to me, others might think I am a bit strange.  (hubby included)

We will see if this changes their behavior.  They make a mess when attaching new home to wood.  They stick it on with a mixture of sand and I don't know what else.  It washed off and left a brown stain when I cleaned. Not to mention buzzing around while we sit on the bench.