
Sunday, May 22, 2016

Gardener beware and be aware of potting soil lies on bag

Stay Green Brand

It didn’t occur to me that… that gardening, like music, could demand practice, patience, a willingness to make mistakes. -Amy Stewart

This is a Rant that is too important (to me) to not post as a blog.
I am trying container gardening in the left over wake of last years flooded gardens.  At my age, starting over with empty garden space is a bit overwhelming.

I purchased 6 bags of this potting soil. Thank goodness I only opened 2.  I expect a nice sort of fine soil with moisture thingies and a bit of fertilizer.  I DO NOT expect sticks the size of a ruler, chunks of pine bark the size of a small saucer, twigs, and other detritus one might find on the floor after cleaning up your garden shed or what ever.

This trash was nearly 7 dollars a 1.24 cubic foot bag.
In my rush and enthusiasm to get pots filled, I suddenly realized I was SIFTING the trash for a bit of nice sized soil.  Arrgh!!

I loaded the remaining 4 bags and with my receipt in hand returned to store and got my money back.


Now, the weather is perfect for my working in the garden, filling containers with lovely plants.   AND I FORGOT TO BUY MORE SOIL!!

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