
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Aphids on Butterfly bush

I found this idea on Pintrest.  The suggestion for the orange color was a plastic cup. I looked and none to be found.
I painted one plastic bottle and placed it next to the bush.  A few days later, aphids appeared on one leaf.
I pulled the leaf off and got rid of the aphids.
I painted a second bottle and so far, no aphids.  The little buggers are just gearing up to attack this plant.
Same time every year.

We will see. This plant was one of the few survivors of the heavy rains followed by hot dry summer. This plant looked dead in July.  I did not dig it out. Let it sit all winter and was so happy to see it come back.  Hubby just nodded and smiled when I reported the tiny leaves popping up.  No gardener, he.

We don't have many butterflies because there were no flowers for them last year. I am assuming that is the reason.

Hopefully, when things start really blooming, butterflies will find them.

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