
Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Waxwings are here!

 Welcome, welcome, little stranger,
Fear no harm, and fear no danger;
We are glad to see you here,
For you sing "Sweet Spring is near."
~Louisa May Alcott, "To The First Robin," 1840

The waxwings have been perching in our trees for about a week.  The days I attempted photographing them were always overcast and grey and very windy.  Yesterday, I drove in the driveway from shopping run.  There was a wild flurry of wings as the waxwings burst out of a Yaupon tree by our patio.

This morning, things are very different.  42° is not an auspicious time to walk out in robe and slippers.  "Just checking"   I was privileged to see dozens of waxwings settling in the tops of our tallest trees.  Fascinating!
I got so excited!  Turned around and hightailed back to the house and my camera. Hubby watching his nutty wife whiz through the living room.  I am sure he knew what was happening.

For the next 30 minutes or so, I was laughing and crying at the sight.  Dozens and dozens of waxwings would swoop on to the top most branches, only to be "crowded" by their companions.
At one point the branches were crowded with these beautiful birds.  

I started shooting pictures,  wishing I had my tripod.  Not really necessary, as it turns out.  Most of the photos are not blurry even catching birds in flight.  

My heart is full.

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