
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Trip to Wyoming in pictures

pine cones in sister's yard

I have enrolled in an on line photo school.  This is going to be my first attempt at editing with a new on line editor and then, hopefully I will find a picture to post to face book.

I am nervously attempting a 2 in one.  Since summer doldrums  have arrived and there is not a lot happening................ I am ready to do pictures and some comments.
The first thing I have to do to get ready is to edit (done) and then re size on line.  The program is called Lunapic.  My niece walked me through the process while I was visiting. She also did a manual of instructions.

Editing is done, a challenge all by myself, without the coach by my side. 

The pictures are of a lovely children's area at the Cheyenne Botanic Gardens.  They are in the midst of a renovation.  What I saw was impressive. I hope to visit next year and take in the finished work.

My niece took me and my sister to visit the gardens.  I wanted to return to the Children's Garden and take lots of pictures.  It is an interesting, educational and charming little areas that would keep a child fascinated for a lovely outing.

A good idea gone a little lame. Sorry, it could have many more flowers and  a seating area.Maybe even one of those darling "tiny tables" that are sort of just stuck where they are.

Speaking of little tables....

This table is sitting off by itself. They are small like a child's set.

Another very interesting to this adult.. A water feature. Starting with the windmill that is solar powered. 
The black panel is the source of energy

These are little spigots feeding the water trough from the silver storage tank

The trough feeds this beautiful work of art!  Amazing! The tank below fills and feeds a shallow pond where children can wade.  I wanted to take my shoes off and join them.

Flowers are every where.  In pots, behind fences, tucked away in a corner along with little beds filled with color.

First the pots

This is a lovely area, some of which is shady

I am not sure how I feel about these colorful blue and white spots.

Obviously, I was fascinated.  There are so many different spotted flowers.  I am not sure which is the "prettiest".

I think I like the variegated (had to look up that one) ones better than spots.



I turned a corner and this was hanging from the wall in front of me


I am sure these are some sort of daisy, but they remind me of a chrysanthemum called Country Girl mum.


Petunias and a little sweet potato vine. The grounds crew will have to keep it cut back as it will take over the whole garden!

As best I remember, the dog is a service dog.  Couldn't find any information.
The dog house has a roof supporting succulents. And then, in a corner, Mother Goose.  A wonderful, statue, perfect for a children's garden.

Mother Goose is very, very tall.  I wonder if little guys are frightened of her.

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