
Thursday, May 14, 2020

Murals in Glenrock, Wyoming

Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in. ~Amy Lowell

An homage to the Pony Express Glenrock, Wyoming

Glenrock was one of the 2017 towns  in the path of the total eclipse that was visible across the US.
My niece drove from Cheyenne to this town in the wee hours to be there for the eclipse.
A year or so later, she and I were on a trek in search of post office murals.
Because of my other interest in murals, she mentioned the murals she saw in this small town.
We took a side trip and from there, I was determined to follow up on when, who and how   these massive murals were painted.
For its size, there is a lot of art to visit in Glenrock.

This is the artist "painting" with spray paint.

This is the  how   he painted this 2 story mural and others...

Be sure to click on blue link within the article for more.

This link to an in depth description of the city supporting the artist with food, water, room to stay in...

These are photos of other art in Glenrock.
Pony Express rider


mary smith said...

These are all interesting. I always wondered how they did those huge murals on the outside of buildings.

Barbara said...

I was part of this trip. It was a lot of fun to ravel with the Texas gardener and traveler!