
Sunday, June 24, 2012

cone flower transplant update

Now that the temperature is close to 100, a lot of things are beginning to show stress.  The cone flowers I transplanted are/were doing fine.  I have mulched around them and that helps a lot.  Unfortunately, the bunnies love the new growth.  Several plants have been nibbled nearly to the ground.

I checked the Web to see what might repel the little beasties.  There were a lot of suggestions including get a dog or several dogs and cats.  I really don't want to kill them, just want them to leave my flowers alone!!!

I am trying out one suggestion.  This is the instructions someone wrote: 1 Tbsp of Tabasco sauce in a quart of water.
I misted the young plants today, so will see what happens.  I worry, however, that the pepper spray might be a problem for the leaves as the sun is very very hot today.

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