
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mister setup for another hot summer

The mister arrangement I have now is set up to be more efficient than when I first began.  Through a process of trial and error and an occasional back ache, I decided to have the unsightly little hoses strewn over the path.
This is not aesthetically "pretty" but easier on the back and knees.  Since my garden is for my enjoyment and not to show off to others, it gets more important to fine tune maintenance.

That being said, every year I have to check the mister out put, trim off degraded bits of tubing/hose, locate the reason for water not spraying appropriately.

You get the picture.  A lot of upping and downing and going back and forth to the hose connection to turn off the water while I repair. There fore, all the mister hoses/tubes are connected to one main feeder hose instead of a feeder hose for each garden spot.

The real fun? Getting soaked numerous times while testing.  I am glad my husband isn't a photographer as I can look pretty bedraggled with wet hair and clothes.  It is best to do this on one of those mornings when you don't freeze you tushy off in the chilly air.

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