
Sunday, June 3, 2012

newbie at the helm

I have a history of my garden to relate later.  Couldn't resist starting with one of those I Love Lucy events.
We have a very large, messy live oak tree too close to the house.  Don't ask...................I am determined that said tree must come down. 
Needless to say, my choice of how this should be done led to a hysterical and scary few moments.  My husband of 50+ years was in the house, sleeping I suspect.  I decided to climb on the roof of the house using a not so good choice of ladder.  The rungs were too narrow for my Crocks.  I worked for an hour or so and when I was ready to climb down said ladder, I panicked.  There was no way I was backing off the safety of the roof to this narrow thing!
I finally used my loppers to bang on the gutter to, hopefully, arouse said hubby.  After a bit more banging and choice words, (Where are all the neighbors when you need them ) hubby appeared and got a good laugh at my predicament, he held the ladder and received a big hug when I touched tera firma .
Let that be a lesson to any other independent 70+ year old, when climbing to roof top or tree or ladder, CARRY YOUR CELL PHONE!!

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