
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12,
Today started out as just another cleanup/weed wacking morning.  Not too hot or humid.  By late afternoon, strong winds, brief rain and lots of thunder.
My cone flower transplants are doing well.  I mulched around them to preserve moisture since the days have been in the 90's and sunny.
Found a huge, green horn worm on my small, potted tomato plant.  He managed to strip more than 50% of the green from the poor thing.  I pulled it out and will replace it with more marigolds as they are thriving.
Unfortunately, (since this is my diary) I am feeling every bit of my age.  My sciatic nerve is very annoying this evening.  Due for a visit to the chiropractor tomorrow. I tend to forget I cannot do all the things that need doing in one 3 hour morning anymore.

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