
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Fall is on its way (joke)

Yesterday it felt like fall and then this morning the temp is 80 degrees and 80 % humidity at 7AM.

I fed the plants Thrive this morning.  The cone flowers finally look like they may grow and bloom.  The nibbled ones are putting on nice leaves (some mottled - have to check that out) and even though some of the older plants are dying back, things look hopeful for next season.
I may just have to live with fencing things in and the bunnies out in order to have my gardens back. The moles are another issue and will be quite expensive to drive them away from the gardens.

I read one blog that said the fencing should be 2 to 3 feet high.  Mine is 4 feet because I used left over stuff. I will have to buy some more wire fencing and it is not cheap. So, need to know for sure which height will work best.  At 2 to 3 feet, I can step over as opposed to the task of pulling rocks and edging AND 2 layers of wire fence to get inside to weed and feed.  It was all a stop gap measure in the emergency mode.  Not convenient by any means.
One more thing on my to do list for when the weather cools.

The Autumn Sage is coming along nicely after the compost and re-mulch job a while back.

Today has also been a verification of my choice to buy the smaller metal/mesh garden cart instead of the wooden cart I had.  The sides are a snap to drop, making loading heavy things much easier.  The sides are hinged and don't touch the ground, which is great for over sized bags.  Another big plus is the balloon tires. Pulling it through the sandy/mole riddled yard was a snap!
I am already thinking of other things to haul in it.

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