
Friday, August 10, 2012

The bunnies won that skirmish

Last night was not a good time.  I thought I had figured out a way to stop the bunnies nibbling off my cone flowers.  Rude awakening!!
I scrounged up some landscape fabric and attached it to the wire fence with zip ties.  Then, gathered up my accumulated rocks and weighted down every bit of the fabric.  Hot, sweaty, discouraging work.  It was 108 and still in the 100's when I was working on this. As of this date, we have had 20 days of 100(+) degree temperatures since June 21 with little or no rain.


Needless to say, the remainder of the evening was spent trying to cool down (mentally and physically) and moping and even some tears.  It was/is so discouraging. Especially since the summers are brutal even without the drought conditions of the past 2 years.

This morning I have been in a more positive mood. There is always something else to do in solving gardening puzzles.
I checked garden blogs for ideas of how to handle the little beastie invasion.
What I learned from that hour or so of searching and reading; this battle has been raging for years and years.  From the volume of suggestions and opinions is this; struggle creates a lot or weird remedies and some that sound promising. It might be fun to meet some of these creative people and talk bunny strategies.

The ultimate end of searching blogs and mulling is that I will change my flower selections.  I discovered an extensive list of plants the bunnies don't like. (Keeping in mind bunnies will eat most anything in a pinch)
I will check on success of these suggestions for a bit and hopefully, pick things for my area that will bloom through out the growing season.  That has always been  my goal. I have attempted (and succeeded) to have some flowers blooming for the bees, butterflies and humming birds.

It should be interesting and hopefully not too expensive or labor intensive.

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