
Monday, February 11, 2013

Just a little rain

Sunday morning and woke up to lightening and thunder.  I'm not sure how much we got but it is sure welcome.
I had worked on the cone flower bed and dug in a whole bag of compost. Just in time to get soaked and settle down..
I am anxious to see what I can do to resurrect the garden.
Part of the process is to decide what anti rabbit plants I can use.  Some plants get too large and would defeat the cone flower plan.  It would be so wonderful to be able to take the fence down!!  I can take it down now since nothing is green.
That is my task for today. Take the wire part down and maybe leave the posts. Hope it is not too wet to work.

This picture was taken early October. The landscape cloth wrapped around the fence is a bit more tattered now.

Found this photo from spring 2010.  California poppies among the cone flowers. This looks like as good as it gets. Unfortunately, the poppies (not these California but the corn poppy) hadn't really gotten going yet and I blew it big time by letting them get the upper hand.

I did get one other task done.  Something I love to do even though the plants may not be as healthy as new ones, it gives me no end of satisfaction to plant something I salvaged and watch it grow.

A few sprigs of lavender and one tall one, the rest are Country girl mum.  I am reworking the mum bed with compost and additives

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