
Saturday, February 23, 2013

More rain, yay

Winter 2011
Things certainly were a lot greener in 2011. A lot of perennials  stayed green all winter.. It was a disconcerting winter.

winter 2013

I had plans this morning to dig in more compost and get things ready for planting, but delayed by blessed rain.  It is in the 40's and I love to be out in the garden when it is like this. Maybe I can do a bit this afternoon. It has been looking like a repeat of 2011 when Texas had extreme heat and drought and grass fires all over.

This will be a good day to check out just what I want to plant.  The nurseries are not carrying a lot as of yet. I hope to make use of the time and plan what and where things will go.  Almost all of the plants I salvaged and put into pots are doing well.  I may have too much of a good thing if they all survive and make good plants.  If so, I will try to find someone to share with.

most of these are mums and to the left are lavenders
a few surviving lavender

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