
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wyoming wildflowers

Live each day as if it were your last, and garden as though you will live forever.
-  Author Unknown 

This has been an emotional and exhausting summer.  Two deaths within 6 weeks in my family in  took its toll.  I was so blessed to be able to spend time in Wyoming with little to do but visit with my sister and her family, eat, drink good wine, chat with my brother-in-law in the evenings as I went through my newest shots of the treasure they didn't even know they had.  Wildflowers cover their 2 acres.

These pictures are all captured with my Sony Bloggie that my son gave me several years ago.  I never really got the hang of using and put it away for a long time.  Then, this summer, I started shooting everyday. I still don't know why it happened and am grateful it did.

I am still in the process of identifying a few stragglers I have not been able to name. Not sure how to present the photos as they are more photographs using close up capabilities of the Bloggie.

Don't forget to click on picture to see larger

                                              Silvery Lupine                     

What can I say, another bee. 

 This was a surprise.  I have never in all my years of watching bluebonnets, seen the blossom with pods like this.
I was fortunate to be taking pictures of these lupines in the waning days before they make pods, seeds and die.

Miner's Candle

Miner's Candle, looks sort of like cactus but not

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