
Monday, September 2, 2013

Wildflower adventure

Scarlet Globe Mallow

Today is Labor Day. I have been visiting family in Wyoming for about 10 days now and am ready to head home.  I did not intend to stay this long, but the weather in Texas has been in the 100's and hubby said I should stay where the nights at least cool off. Not so there; 81 degrees at 7 AM there and 53 degrees here. I shall miss the cool mornings. Not the wind, however. It blows constantly here.

This visit has been such a joy. Not only being with family and well cared for so that I can take pictures and wander the acres full of wildflowers to my hearts content and feel no obligation to make myself useful.  

I will say more on the wildflowers later, I just want to remind myself of the peace and beauty of this place for later reading.  Even with the unceasing wind, the view from the hilltop house is lovely. There are homes scattered around on the flatter ground while the view is unobstructed by houses or trees from the deck.

The joy of waking and waiting for sunrise to go back outside and find another flower to investigate is the happiest I have been in a long time.  Maybe in my next life I will be a Botanist. I found two good wildflower books at the book store and my identification search is much easier now.

There is "just one more" flower (weed?) I hope to identify today.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I love your sunset picture.